Saturday, April 23, 2016

VIDEO / TEXT: Williams administrator circulates email pitch and video link for college's Spring Street inn proposal

Here is a copy of an email circulating around town from Williams College spokesman Jim Kolesar which links to a March 29 video featuring three college officials talking about the school's proposal to build an up-to-100 room hotel -- near Christmas Brook -- at the foot of Spring Street.
From: Jim Kolesar []
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2016 8:30 AM
To: Various recipients
Subject: Williams Inn Project

Am taking a moment to share background information on the approaching Annual Town Meeting vote on expanding the Village Business District for construction of a new Williams Inn near the bottom of Spring Street.

The expansion has been recommended unanimously by both the Planning Board and Select Board, in votes that followed a year and a half of analysis and public discussion.

But since many people have time to pay close attention to such issues only as the votes approach, I'm sending the attached Q&A and this link to a Willinet presentation on the project.

If you have any questions about any of this, please let me know. And feel free to share this with anyone you think might appreciate seeing it.

Town Meeting is Tuesday, May 17, at 7 p.m. in the elementary school gym. As usual, many important votes are on the warrant, so I hope you can be there.

READ KOLESAR'S Q&A PITCH FOR THE SPRING STREET INN PROPOSAL (which includes lines two two siting proposals, one alongside Spring Street and the other set back.


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