REPLY REQUESTED: Why is Treasury allowing Apple, airlines to abandon currency?
Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 13:04:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Bill Densmore <>
To: Richard DelMasto <>
Cc: Hunter Ridgway <>,
Katie McShane <>,
Subject: REPLY REQUESTED: Why is Treasury allowing Apple, airlines to abandon currency?
Dear Congressman Olver:
Would you please ask someone to explain to me why the U.S. Treasury is allowing airlines, Apple and other businesses to refuse to accept U.S. currency for payment? This seems plainly at odds with the Coinage Act of 1965, specifically
Section 31 U.S.C. 5103.
I would like to become a test case for this? The next time I am flying on Southwest Airlines, I am going to document their refusal to accept cash for food items, via a refused transaction. I would then like to locate counsel who will sue Southwest under the law and see what Treasury does.
I think this is a dangerous precedent which is setting in motion the complete loss of control by the government over our money supply, as well as the end of anonymous purchasing for anything.
Is this really what Congress intended in 1965?
The Treasury seems to be construing the law in the most bizaare way. In effect, it says cash and coins are a legal offer to pay debts, but a creditor doesn't have to accept them. Does that make any sense at all? I guess the distinction is that once you have incurred a debt, the creditor must accept an offer of cash as valid payment. But, they don't have to agree to **sell** to you if they anticipate you are going to pay with cash.
So are some point transactions will go this way:
"How are you paying?"
"We don't accept cash."
If that's legal, that makes the 1965 law a canard.
What a wild thought. Please exlain.
-- bill
Bill Densmore
Williamstown MA 01267 USA
off: 413-458-8001