Sunday, October 17, 2010

News from Cricket Creek Farm

News from
Cricket Creek Farm
What's News...
Bakery Buzz
Berkshire Grown in "NoCo"
In Greenfield November 1?
New in Store
For Your Calendar
Visit our
Bakery Buzz
Jamie's Choice for Monday October 18th is Cheese & Dill bread.
Breakfast Buns
 on Friday October 22nd will be Orange Blossom.
Muffins this week will be...
Monday: Bran with Raisin
Wednesday: Orange Cranberry
Friday: Pumpkin Walnut
Saturday: Blueberry
Buttermilk Currant Scones will be on Thursday and Saturday.

It's Whole Oat's turn on Monday October 18th (Whole Oat and Seven Grain trade weeks)
Berkshire Grown in "NoCo"
Please join us for "Getting to Know Berkshire Grown: Celebrate NoCo" on Monday, November 8 from 5:30-7:30 pm at Mezze Bistro+Bar.

Hors d'oeuvres and drinks by Berkshire Grown chefs and farmers including Baby Cakes, The Clark Café, Gala Restaurant, Gramercy Bistro, Mezze Bistro + Bar, The Red Lion Inn, Wild Oats Market, Williams College, The Williams Inn, The Berry Patch, Black Queen Angus Farm, Cricket Creek Farm, East Mountain Farm, Elmartin Farm, Hidden Pasture Farm, Ioka Valley Farm, Mighty Food Farm, Peace Valley Farm, Square Roots Farm and Sweet Brook Farm.

Berkshire Grown members: $25 per person. Non-members can join for $40 per person, which will include admission to the event. RSVP by 11/1 by calling 413.528.0041
In Greenfield November 1?
If so, be sure to visit Hope & Olive Restaurant between 5:00 and 8:00pm and support the NOFA/MA Raw Milk Network! Enjoy free food, sample local cheeses and play board games.

For more inforation on the network click here.
New in Store
We have a new book, "The Legend of Mt. Greylock" A History of a Mountain" by local author Kristen Demeo.
Kristen says, "The Legend attempts to make a connection between the May 1990 landslide on the eastern face of Mt. Greylock and the mountain's name and its origin."
For Your Calendar...
November 8 -- "Getting to Know Berkshire Grown: Celebrate NoCo" at Mezze, 5:30 to 7:30. Call Berkshire Grown (413-528-0041) for tickets and more information.

November 20
-- Holiday Farmer's Markets in Williamstown & Great
Barrington. Get local products for your Thanksgiving table (or just any day of the week's table!)

December 18 -- Holiday Farmer's Markets in Williamstown & Great Barrington. Last year's markets for Thanksgiving were so well received another has been added for Christmas.
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Cricket Creek Farm Store is open seven days a week from 7AM to 8PM
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| Phone & Fax: 413-458-5888 | Cricket Creek Farm | 1255 Oblong Rd | Williamstown | MA | 01267


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