Monday, November 06, 2006

State Rep. Bosley urges a NO vote on alcohol-license Question 1

Massachusetts Step. Rep. Daniel E. Bosley, D-North Adams, has emailed friends and supporters urging voters to reject a state ballot initiative which would allow supermarkets and convenience stores in Massachusetts to sell certain alcoholic beverages.

"I want you to know that I have taken a firm stand against Ballot Question ballot this Tuesday," Bosley writes, adding: "Law enforcement officials, legislators and alcohol regulation officers have worked tirelessly to ensure the responsible sale of alcohol in Massachusetts. Currently, Massachusetts has the third lowest drunk driving fatality rate in the country.

Ballot Question One asks voters to create a new type of alcohol license which would expand the sale of wine to more than double thecurrent number of outlets in the state, without additional funds forlaw enforcement, Bosley writes. He says approving the ballot initiative would allow wine to be sold in thousands of convenience stores and hundreds of gas station mini marts across the state.

Bosley calls these locations "inappropriate" for alcohol sales. He says that's why the State Police Association of Massachusetts, the Boston Police Superintendent, police chiefs and sheriffs across the state, and the Massachusetts Medical Foundation all oppose Question One.

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